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Syphon Filter mod
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Author Post
Wed Jun 03 2015, 08:28AM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526

I'm comming out to world with the mod I have mentioned for several times.
Syphon Filter mod
This mod remakes several levels from PS1 classic game "Syphon Filter" from 1999.
The original game have 5 main environments contained in 20 missions.
My goal is to remake three first environments...

Syphon Filter

Washington DC
Georgia Street                    Finished for ~95%
Destroyed Subway               Finished for ~95%
Main Subway line (boss)       Level is done!
Washington park                 Finished for ~70%
Freedom Memorial (boss)      Finished for ~80%
PharCom Expo Center
Expo Center Reception         Finished for ~ 90%
Expo Center Dinorama         Level contained in previous level
Rozovka military base
Rhoemer's base                 Finished for 65%
Base bunker                      Level is done!
Base tower (boss)              Finished for ~ 98%
Base escape                      Level is done!
Uzhhorod Catedral
Rhoemer's stronghold          Not in plan right now
Stronghold lower level         Not in plan right now
Stronghold catacombs          Not in plan right now
Warehouses district in Almaty

PharCom warehouses           Not in plan right now
PharCom elite guards           Not in plan right now
Warehouse 76                    Not in plan right now
Silo access tunnels              Not in plan right now
Tunnel blackout                  Not in plan right now
Missile silo                        Not in plan right now
Syphon Filter 2
Colorado mountain              Not in plan right now
McKinzie Airbase Interior      Not in plan right now
Interstate 70                     Not in plan right now
I-70 Mountain bridge           Not in plan right now
McKinzie Airbase Exterior     Not in plan right now
Colorado train ride             Not in plan right now
Colorado train race             Not in plan right now
C-130 Crash site                Not in plan right now
PharCom Expo Center
PharCom Expo Center        See "Expo Center Reception"
Morgan                          See "Expo Center Reception"
Club 32                          Maybe (this was quite epic)
Moscow Streets                Not in plan right now
Volkov Park                    Not in plan right now
Gregorov                        Not in plan right now
Ajir Prison
Ajir Prison Break-in           Not in plan right now
Ajis Prison Escape             Not in plan right now
New York City
Agency Bio-Lab                Not in plan right now
Agency Bio-Lab Escape       Not in plan right now
New York Slums                 Not in plan right now
New York Sewers                Not in plan right now
Finale                             Not in plan right now
I'd like to thank to Purifier for his beta testing and his tip for the dinosaurs.


[ Edited Wed Aug 17 2016, 10:32AM ]
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 08:48AM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Fri May 22 2009, 02:24PM
Posts: 1145
Looks interesting.

If you need any models you know who to ask.
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 09:28AM

Registered Member #259
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 12:12PM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
Thanks for your offer, I'm quite happy with the default objects and several objects by others. (especially Sniper, you, Id0 and swe_trees pack.

Maybe just one thing. Do you have a model of a guy in a black suit? I can use Krieger, if needed, but I don't like his model too much.
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 12:47PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Fri May 22 2009, 02:24PM
Posts: 1145
Sorry i dont have one,you can retexture Krieger or use the model from The Project from CryTek.
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 12:49PM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
Ok, nevermind, no problem.
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 06:30PM
Crazy Azz Far Cry Fan

Registered Member #1076
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*blushes and waves hand at Vikom* Ah shucks! Your welcome, Vikom!
And based on some of the pics you posted, I can see you've added even more of your modding greatness to the mod. Can't wait to see more of what you've done to this great WIP you've created.
Awesome stuff, Vikom! Keep on it because I loved the beta and I'm sure others will love what you eventually release too. wink.png 
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Wed Jun 03 2015, 10:26PM

Registered Member #265
Joined: Thu Feb 18 2010, 06:17AM
Posts: 542

I love your train station!
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Thu Jun 04 2015, 07:00AM

Registered Member #9583
Joined: Fri Feb 27 2015, 05:25PM
Posts: 2

Looking better then the PS1 original already.  Keep it up.
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Thu Jun 04 2015, 08:23AM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
Thank you for your nice comments.
I think the first level is about three times harder than the original one. I hope it's welcomed.

TNLGG, maybe I'd need one more object. Do you have a sedan police car? I use Sniper's declassed muscle police cars and I'm not too happy with them.
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Thu Jun 04 2015, 10:03AM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Fri May 22 2009, 02:24PM
Posts: 1145
Yes i have a police car.
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Tue Jun 09 2015, 10:50AM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526

Just a small update. I started work on a boss fight level in a Freedom Memorial.

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Tue Jun 09 2015, 02:21PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Fri May 22 2009, 02:24PM
Posts: 1145
Looks good so far.
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Wed Jun 10 2015, 12:19PM
The future maybe uncertain, but always strive for a good one.

Registered Member #1641
Joined: Wed Jun 06 2012, 04:10PM
Posts: 2207
Better graphics than a PS1
Looks good
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Wed Jun 10 2015, 12:23PM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
Thank you!
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Thu Jun 11 2015, 02:53AM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
Good news!

I have changed my plans and added four more levels to my to do list!
Now you can also look forward to a former soviet military base that is in a snowy environment!
In original game you have a choice to finish this in stealth or alarm mode. Same will be here, of course.
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Thu Jun 11 2015, 01:01PM
Crazy Azz Far Cry Fan

Registered Member #1076
Joined: Wed Nov 23 2011, 11:49PM
Posts: 420
Sounds like you're really getting into it now, Vikom. I'd like to see that, a level with a soviet military base.
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Thu Jun 11 2015, 01:10PM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526
I think I can say that I'm back in modding!

Now I'm making the Base Bunker and then the Base Tower. Theese levels are quite quick to create. I'm probably sending you theese levels for testing quite soon, if you're still interested in testing it.
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Thu Jun 11 2015, 01:46PM
Crazy Azz Far Cry Fan

Registered Member #1076
Joined: Wed Nov 23 2011, 11:49PM
Posts: 420

Of course, my friend! Anytime, anytime. wink.png 
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Thu Jun 11 2015, 03:02PM

Registered Member #1223
Joined: Sun Jan 22 2012, 04:49AM
Posts: 526

A screenshot from my today's work

I think I'll probably add more stuff than was in the original game to make the level look more alive.
This level seems to be perfect for a minigame mode.
This seems to be perfect for some stealth minigames like "Thief" or "Assassin" (in both of them you musn't get spotted)
How much appreciated would "mini-games" be? Which of them?
Here's an example of them from the original gameplay:

[ Edited Thu Jun 11 2015, 03:26PM ]
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